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  • Adair Witmer



good interior design has a profound impact on our well-being. The design, layout and decor of a room or space, influences our emotions, our behavior, and our overall psychological state. Good interior design goes beyond aesthetics, playing a crucial role in creating spaces that foster comfort, productivity, and an overall sense of well-being.

I am working with a wonderful client who has a very lovely home but her bedroom was just not "feeling" right. As I assessed the space I saw a few things that immediately caught my attention. The first thing I felt was needed was a better layout. The second was it needed to incorporate her color palette more thoroughly. Long story short, by simply changing the layout of the room, adding balanced lighting and incorporating her colors in rugs, art, and fabrics, the room now feels to her like the sanctuary it needed to be.

Numerous studies have highlighted the psychological effects of the environment on human behavior. For instance, a study conducted by the American Society of Interior Designers found that 70% of respondents believed that the design of their environment directly impacted their mood.

A well-designed space has the power to reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve overall mental health.

Color psychology is a significant aspect of interior design that can evoke specific emotions. Warm colors like reds and yellows are associated with energy and positivity, while cool colors like blues and greens can create a calming and tranquil atmosphere. According to a study published in the journal "Frontiers in Psychology," color can influence cognitive performance and mood.

The layout and functionality of a space are equally important. A well-organized and functional design can reduce feelings of chaos and stress. In a workplace setting, for example, a well-designed office can boost productivity and job satisfaction. A study by the World Green Building Council found that individuals working in spaces with good daylight and ventilation reported a 15% higher level of well-being and were 6% more productive.

The impact of interior design on sleep quality is also noteworthy. A well-designed bedroom with comfortable furnishings and calming colors can contribute to better sleep. The National Sleep Foundation reports that 73% of people believe that a comfortable bedroom is essential for a good night's sleep.

In healthcare environments, thoughtful interior design can contribute to the healing process. Whenever I visit a doctors office, hospital or healthcare facility, I make a mental note of the cold or calming effect of the environment. Sadly, most fall into the cold category. Research published in the journal "Health Environments Research & Design" suggests that well-designed healthcare spaces can reduce stress and anxiety in patients, leading to better outcomes. Here is a fascinating article about the impact of interior design on improving healthcare outcomes. If it matters here you can be sure it matters in the home as well.

Clutter is another factor in our overall sense of well-being. It is no. 1 on my to-do list for this year. Think how you feel when your office or kitchen is cluttered with papers, un-filed work, unwashed dishes, etc. I personally find it extremely hard to focus until I start with a clean space. Beginning with the entrance to my house, this year I am committed to working my way through, step-by-step, to de-clutter my closets and drawers. Here is an article that speaks to the negative effect of clutter on our lives. What does clutter do to your brain and body?

Good interior design is not merely an aesthetic endeavor; it has a profound impact on our psychological well-being. Whether in our homes, workplaces, or healthcare facilities, a well-designed environment can contribute to reduced stress, improved mood, increased productivity, and overall better mental health. It's important to understand, when you invest in thoughtful interior design you are making an investment in your mental and emotional well-being. That's a good thing.

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